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《There is a park near my home》PPT课件4.pptx

精通版 六年级下册 PPTX   13页   下载0   2024-05-12   浏览2   收藏0   点赞0   评分-   免费文档
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人教精通版六年级下册Unit2 There is a park near my home.资源堂文库-wk.a691.com >>ReviewLook and sayWhere is the bookshop? >>Lead-inXiaogang wants to go to Xinhua Bookshop.Where is it?Look and sayCan you help him? >>PresentationLook, read and sayThen, …turn right at the traffic lights. >>PresentationLook, read and sayThe bookshop is …on the left. >>PresentationLook, read and sayBut he must …He can g
《There is a park near my home》PPT课件4.pptx

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